Werma - Andonspeed And Stocksaver
AndonSPEED - call-for-action solution for manual workstations and logistics
AndonSPEED is a unique intelligent and innovative wireless call-for-action system for manual workstations. The system gives an immediate optical warning signal indicating which problem has occurred where. In contrast to traditional simple andon systems AndonSPEED not only shows immediately where a problem has occurred, the data captured can be documented and analysed.
Nowadays the operator simple activates a call for assistance by pressing a button on a switch box located at the work station. This triggers a clearly visible signal tower to illuminate indicating the nature of the problem to be resolved, material required or support needed, for example. At the same time the status change is transmitted wirelessly to the workstation of the person responsible for resolving the problem. The calls-for-action can also be displayed in a control station view on a large screen.
StockSAVER – third generation Kanban system
StockSAVER can be easily retrofitted to any FIFO flow rack bringing home a new third generation Kanban system for logistics. With StockSAVER many of the traditional problems of Kanban systems are resolved. The first generation Kanban systems suffered from lost or delayed Kanban cards and offered only limited transparency of the operation. Using scanners to make bookings formed part of a second generation system but this did not solve the human issue of, for example, forgetting to scan a new booking leading to racks being filled incorrectly as well as the booking error itself.
WERMA’s third generation Kanban system deploys sensors fitted to the flow racks which detect stock movement and give complete transparency of stock levels and automatically trigger replenishment orders thus preventing stock-outs occurring.