Microsoft Xp, Server 2003 And Potential Plant Security Risk

Microsoft Xp, Server 2003 And Potential Plant Security Risk
6 Things You Need To Know About Microsoft Xp And Server 2003 That Could Jeopardize Your Plant Security:
If you have existing installations of WinCC in your organization, please consider the following items:
1. Using Windows XP after April 8, 2014 may jeopardize your plant security. This is because Microsoft® is ceasing its support, resulting in the elimination of important Windows security updates.
2. Using Windows Server 2003 after July 14, 2015 may jeopardize your plant security. This is because Microsoft® is ceasing its support, resulting in the elimination of important Windows security updates.
3. Migrating to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 reduces your risk, allowing you to continue receiving important Windows security updates.
4. WinCC V3, V4, V5 or V6.0 do not run on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008. These products will need to be upgraded to WinCC V7.2.
5. WinCC V7.2 with Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 provides you the best protection while offering you the latest HMI/SCADA technology available.
6. Siemens Software Update Service(SUS) allows you to automatically receive WinCC software upgrades and service packs delivered right to your door to ensure that your software is always up to date for the latest features and protection.
To learn more about Microsoft ceasing Windows XP support, click here
To learn more about upgrading to WinCC V7.2 or to obtain a quote just send Axis an email. Please include your WinCC serial number if you have it available. Susan Nangle, AXIS.