Dart - New Modbusrtu For Brushless Dc Drives
The ModbusRTU installs right on top of the 730/731 series Brushless Drive
•Two Models:
•730BDC Series BLDC (available now – Models 730BDC-RTU and 731BDC-RTU)
•Enhanced control and information
•Installation labor and material savings
•Enables advanced applications: Smart phone/tablet apps; Bluetooth and Cloud applications; remote access
•Unique to Dart
•Supported by HUGE installed base of Modbus–capable controllers, HMI’s and plc’s
Dart’s 700 Series of DC brushless motor controls provides variable speed operation for most brushless DC motors. Compact, economical, and ENERGY EFFICIENT, the 700 Series provides the newest alternative in motor control. These drives are ideal where high speed or quiet operation is needed, combined with a BLDC motor completely eliminating brush wear. The 700 Series may be provided with a pluggable connector and fixed speed settings for OEM applications.
The 700BDC / 730BDC / 731BDC models are ideal for fan, pump and other basic applications. The 733BDC is suited for those applications where more sophisticated motor speed profile control is needed (ACCEL/DECEL). Model 733BDC has a unique Current Limit Latch feature that allows many options for addressing equipment and personnel safety in overload conditions.
The 731BDC model offers the new Modbus RTU serial interface option. Change speed and direction, monitor speed and system health, profile speed for servo-like response – all these capabilities and now unlocked with the model 731BDC-RTU.